Find Joy in the North Island | Avis Car Rental

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Finding joy in the North Island by Brett and Bianca. 


You see some amazing sights in New Zealand, but there’s nothing quite like spotting Auckland city in the rearview mirror. It’s that exact moment you realise you’re finally getting away.

So, already in cruise control, we took the scenic route to Rotorua via an awesome honesty box. Before long, we arrived at our luxury glamping experience, where we looked up at the night sky and felt like we were rubbing shoulders with the stars.

The next morning was all about exploring. It started with the lakes around Rotorua, and finished with a walk through the incredible Red Wood Forest. We even managed to take a look around Whakatane.

Not wanting the good times to end, we took a quick detour via Tauranga on the way home. Mt Maunganui took our breath away, twice, because the view at the top was equally as breathtaking.

Finally, we finished the trip with a really nice lunch on the beach. All in all, we had a ball exploring the southern part of the North Island, and we think you will too.